Interpersonal relationships involve the way one deal with another socially. There are so many people in this world, but how come we are only attracted to a certain kind of people but not others?
We form relationships with other due to attraction to each other, the need for intimacy and perceived rewards and compliments.
What are we atrracted to? How does attraction form?
First of all, similarity and complementary. At most of the time, we look for people who are similar to us, as in characterisitics, behaviour, attitude and beliefs. We tend to join people with the same background as us, because similarities are the real foundation for a long term relationships although differences may add spice to a relationship. Complementary needs are those that fit together in a mutually satisfying way.
Next is competence. Most of us like to be around with talented people. I read an article which mention that to gain the liking of others, we have to be good at what we do, but also not forgetting to admit the mistakes we do. We are also attracted to people we perceive as competent, credible, and display charisma.
Disclosure is also another factor. I believe that all of you guys here know that by revealing some information about yourself can help build liking. But bare this in mind, when people share private and important information about themselves to you, it means he respect and trust you. Therefore, we have to becareful with our disclosing tho.
Since shermaine mentioned something about the relationail development and maintanence, i'll just talk about, what are the skills for escalating and maintaining relationships.
Be open and self-disclose appropriately (disclose yourself, but also be open to other’s disclosure - you really need those two sides of the coin)
express emotions (a particular form of self-disclosure, expressing emotions can continue relational escalation)
engage in relationship talk (talk about the nature, quality, direction, or definition of a relationship - don’t start too early. If you talk it does show your interest and commitment)
monitor your perceptions (effective perception can enhance your ability to understand and adapt to your partner as a relationship escalates)
listen actively and respond confirmingly (listening is a way to demonstrate an on-going interest in another person)
socially decenter and adapt (can you see the situation and the person from their view?), be tolerant and show restraint (learn to accept others for who they are - and put up with things you dislike)
manage conflict cooperatively (Don’t avoid conflict altogether, but work through it
seek compliance (use persuasive strategies to accomplish your personal goals. Get you own way)
PS: This is not my opinions. I just get it from a website. So, if there is any inappropriate or what-so-ever thing, dun look for me. =)
As we know, not every relationship is long-lasting. Unfortunately, some relationships will only last for few months, or even few weeks, which is very very extremely terrible and horrible. OUCH!
What lead to the end of a relationship?
It may just fade away when the relationship dissolves slowly as intimacy declines.
When a relationship experiences a sudden death which means it ends abruptly, usually in response to some precipitating event.
And also experiences incrementalism. This happens when both parties do not speak out whenever they face problems, or arguments without a proper solution, they would just accumulate all the conflicts and problems until one day, any one of the parties cannot tolerate anymore and boom!, the end of the relationship. =(
Intimacy in a relationship is very important as it brings closeness to both parties. It is a process, not a thing. It takes place over time and is not stagnant. There are few types of intamcy. One of them is intellectual intamcy where two people exchange thoughts, share ideas and enjoy similarities and differences between their opinions. If both parties are able to do so and feel comfortable about it, then they can become quite intimate in an intellectual area.
Another form of intimacy is experiential intimacy. Examples of this would be where people get together to actively involve themselves with each other, probably saying very little to each other, not sharing any thoughts or many feelings, but being involved in mutual activities with one another.
Next would be emotional intimacy. This is when two parties can comfortably share their emotions and feelings together without keeping. They also try to approach, understand and be aware of the other party's emotional side.
If intimacy is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, understanding its nature is important: A partner must take the risk of disclosing emotions with significant others. A partner must be willing to be honest and upfront in communicating, even at the risk of hurting others. An individual must listen and be non-judgmental in communication. A mate must value and cherish those he loves. The issue of intimacy is comprehensive to all significant relationships. The impact of intimacy is much broader in scope than sexuality. It's the little things that count — remembering birthdays, anniversaries, surprising a partner with gifts, and validating your partner. Demonstrating non-sexual affection, such as holding hands, hugging, messaging, and kissing constitute intimacy. Cultivating intimacy is important when couples are having difficulty with their sexual experience. Conflict resolution is an important aspect of intimacy. Being spiritually and psychologically committed to one's mate constitutes intimacy. Trust and respect are cornerstones of intimacy. Accepting one's mate with all of his flaws is a quality of intimacy. Navigating difficult life events in a relationship is a characteristic of intimacy. Establishing a romantic environment and making one's sexual encounters mutually meaningful constitutes intimacy.
Up next is distance in relationships.
When a relationship is undergoing changes and the distance between both parties is getting far apart, it is time where both parites have to reconsider and do something about it in order to maintain the relationship. Frequent argument and ignorance between both parties will bring negative impact on their relationship. As mentioned earlier, truth and honest are the most important thing in a firm relationship. Without these, both parties will not gain any trust from each other and therefore, end up suspecting each other.
You would not want to end up like this in your relationship.
Haven't been updating these few days. Im so sorry about it. It has been soooo busy this week. Now, let's discuss about misconceptions, which is my topic today. =)
First of all, a misconception happens when a person believes in a concept which is objectively false. He might jump straight into a conclusion after listening or seeing somethig without second thought.
Mr. Murali taught us about misconceptions about listening. But im gonna talk about misconceptions about seeing, or rather seeing, observing.
When we see something, we assume that what we see is definitely what is going on. For example, when we see a boy and a girl arguing, we immediately assume that they are a couple, they are arguing because they have some problems in between. But, is this the truth? Is this what they are arguing for? If we think carefully, it might be, they are just friends, or perhaps, siblings. They are arguing because of some misunderstandings or different point of views. Things might not turn out what it is supposed to be.
Let's take this picture as an example. What do you see in this picture? Did you assume that they are having fun and drinking alcohols because they just want to enjoy and have a great time? In fact, there might be some reasons for them to drink alcohol and get high in this way. They might be facing problems and wanting to get rid of the problem by making themselves drunk and forget everything. Again, this is what we assume just by looking at the picture itself. Misconceptions often happen like this.
Misconceptions may lead to many unwanted arguments and misunderstandings between people. People like to jump into conclusions without careful thinking and analyzing. To avoid misconceptions, we cannot judge or assume things by just looking at its surface, in fact, we must look into the problem and evaluate it deep inside.
I just blog-hopped the other blogs weii. Damn canggih wei their blogskin. They even got a hit counter and everything. Well being a not-so-avid blogger,I don't know nuts about changing blogskins and templates. So teammates! Christine! Michelle! Shermayne! Su-Queen! Not that we wanna follow-follow, be like everyone else... But for Mr.Murali's sake. We should to spice up our blog lah. Or Janson? I know you read our blog. I know you're good at all these things. Little help,please?
While goofing around in the DSA, waiting for Nanda to finish class, 18 year old Alric John Boudville decided to show me his apparent artistic skills.
He drew what he percieved me to be.
Feast your eyes people!
Yeap. The red head is suppose to be me. And the buff guy with weird man-boobs and no legs next to me would be Alric.
Please. Someone. Be charitable. Send Alric to some hella good art lessons. He needs a miracle. If he actually drew this in a cave in the year 100BC,the cavemen would laugh at his face and rip off his bearskin underpants while taunting him,saying " CaveMan Alric draw like cavebaby! Now we burn his bearskin underpants! Muahahahaha! (for drawing was a serious matter in the year 100BC) ".
And Alric would runaway sobbing to his CaveMummy saying "CaveMamaaaaaa! They took my bearskin underpants!"
And his CaveMummy would comfort him with hugs & kisses. Until CaveMan Alric led her to his drawing......
Then she ripped off his bearskin underpants and burned it too.
recently i meet my friend in the college who is migrate to australia few years ago.. we used to be 'twins' in our primary school. no matter where we go, what we do, or even toilet, and whenever where she is, there is sure my shodow.. *sound scary* XD but wad i trying to mean is we always stick together lar.. even our parent also can't stand with us. haha.. oh ya! there is a thing very coincident where my birthday is same with her. before the day i was born, my mom's bed just beside to her mother. in same hospital o~ so we (my family and her family) know each other very well.
she is coming back to continue her study here, in HUC!! but we can't stick together as in primary school ler.. my timetable and her is totally crash. i mean when i m having class she having break. we dont get to meet each other in college ler.. aiduh.. izit what this call ' no jodoh'? haha..
from i know her since primary school ,till we separate cause of his father business main at other country, and meet each other back after she comes back and then we 'reunion' back. our relational devolment and maintenance actually match the Mark Knapp Model. from initiating... to experimenting.. next intensifying.. and integrating.. then bonding... differentiating.. stagnating.. terminating.. and finally bonding back!! ha! =p
intimacy in the dictionary is defines as arising from close union, contact, association, as well as acquaintance. in fact, intimacy can have varies dimensions. there are :-
physical (hugging, kissing and holding hand...)
intellectual (how others think...)
emotional (exchanges important feeling..)
shared activities (include everything from working or games...)
there are also some differences in male and female intimacy styles. first, differences in expressing emotion. girl is more willing to share their thought, what they are thinking with others as compared to guy. in term of the amount and depth of information exchanged, female-female relationships are the champion on the disclosure list. *proud* XD where the second is male-female. and relationships between men has less disclosure than any other types. conclusion, female is good listener? haha. =p
culture make influences on intimacy. for example, east and western culture. we can't deny that western people is more 'open' than us. kissing and hugging infront of the public is just a very common thing to them. our culture doesn't allowed people to do this. cause holding hand and kissing doesn't allow among muslim.*but nowaday malaysian are quite open dy*
Ok so I know that its pretty outdated to write up about non-verbal communication right now. Thousand apologies Mr. Murali! But I'm just gonna write about it anyway...
So from Mr.M's awesomely thought lesson, I learnt that non-verbal communication brings us to the term " Actions speak louder than words. "
And also,non-verbal communication is closely related to body language.
Lets look at a typical example:
Lets say there was this boy. Who came to class in an aloof, hands in pocket, I'm-way-too-cool-for-school manner. Clad in skinny black jeans, grey statement T-shirt that says " F*** OFF F*****!!", with a pack of 14's Dunhill Reds in his right hand, he saunters his way to the back of the class and picks a seat alone. Only to be told by Mr.M to "SIT IN THE FRONT!". And he does so in the same,aloof manner. Smirking even more so. Then he drops his bag,sits down,slouches like his Mummy painstakingly brought him into this world without a backbone, and plugs on his iPod.
How would you intepret his whole act?
1. Appearance: His whole outfit implies that he is a Sexy Rocker Bad Boy. rawwwwrrrr ;) Or that he likes to dress in a certain way that expresses his personality;that he's here to make a statement.
2. Closeness: Since he went way to the back of the class to sit alone, it makes him seem as if he's not interested in making any new friends. Or that he doesn't give two tuts about his classmates. Introverted maybe?
3. Facial expressions: He smirked when asked to sit in front. Shows that he is quite sarcastic and reluctant to follow orders. Smart-aleck more like.
4. Posture: The slouching states that he's only coming for classes because he has to and that he just can't be bothered.
The conclusion? Bad boys are so sexy! Hah! Joke lah.
Another case maybe? You see a pretty hot chick walking confidently down the hallway. Okay maybe not just walking. Bloody catwalking lah. Sashay sashay. Swing swing hips. She's got a great sense of fashion,I must say. Sky-high Aldo heels, drainpipe jeans, Channelbaguette bag, red plunging lace top and a vintage biker jacket over her skinny toned arms...straight off the pages of VOGUE Magazine. She's on her iPhone, yapping loud and proud bimboticly with a rich American slang. Then she sees a friend;the Sexy Bad Boy from earlier. She flips off her phone, tosses her hair and goes over to give him a kiss on the lips and embraced him in a hug. Then she walks off with Sexy Bad Boy...her right hand in his jean's back pocket.
1. Posture: Her confident stride says that she has got quite a high self-esteem.
2. Appearance: Obviously into fashion and looking good. High-maintenance definitely and probably has the money to keep it up too.
3. Ways of talking: Loud,bimbotic,rich American slang. I'm thinking...brought up in an open-minded English-educated family. Or she watches too much American drama TV.
4. Closeness and body contact: She probably knows Sexy Bad Boy very well. Dating,very likely. And very intimate so I guess she's pretty open in affection.
IN CONCLUSION....Damn am I good at Microsoft Paint or what? Hellyeaaaaa :D
And who needs a psychic when you can read body language!
Psychic = CONSTIPATED BULLSHIT ! Amen. All hail non-verbal communication!
Let's talk about perception. What does it mean? According to Wikipedia, the very useful site, perception is defined as the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information. In other word, it also carries the meaning of THE POINT OF VIEW. =)
We will come across this phenomena anytime at anywhere, especially when you are required to give opinions about a particular thing. Then, different people will have different perceptions. For instance, Eli, a girl, is short. Some people will think that she is SHORT, not a girl's perfect height, not perfect. But, for some other people, they might think that Eli is cute. short = cute. So, this proves that different people have different point of view.
Next, a very common example. A box.
What do you see in this picture? What appears in your mind at the first second you saw this cube? Some people might see it as a box, just a box. But some people might take it as a square with 6 surfaces. They interpret it in different ways.
These, excites the Mooncake Festival~ there is a open house at my aunt house yesterday. all of the chong members did attend to this gathering. i used to enjoy and love joining the family gathering. Happy to see all my aunty uncle and cousins which can only meet them during 'big' day. Enjoy playing with the baby cousin. Enjoy chating with my cousins who their age no much different from me. Enjoy those yummy food prepared by those auntyS. Enjoy listening jokes from my uncle. he is a very humour person. wherever the place he exists, for sure there lots of laughter. XD
all the kids is playing lantern as well as lighten up the colourful candle at courtyard. those candle makes the courtyard looks 'romantic' ha! whereas, elderly are enjoying their chinese tea and mooncake at the round mable table which right middle in courtyard. Surrounding is covering with non-stop laughter.
suddenly.. i saw a hunchback indian aunty standing opposite the road and looking at all of us.. its quite scary.. as she keep staring at us with her shinning eyes. then, she is walking slowing toward us with her hunchback. its looks painful.. felt kesian to her ,as in this big big day, i am celebrating this festival with all my family. but.. where is her family?? why is she walking alone down the street at this time?? *the watch is actually pointing at 10 sth dy* why she looks so lonely??
then my uncle came.. Happy mooncake festival!! my humour uncle said. the aunty said nothing. she is just nodding and smiling with all of us. we are looking at her with full of curiousity perhaps. my uncle tried to talk with her.. yet, she is still saying nothing and just reply us with her attractive smile. ha! finally. my uncle realize that she is deaf, perhaps she is dumb too. Aww~~ kesiannya~
then my uncle invite her to have pieces of mooncake and drinks as well.. before she goes, she waves with us! smiling with tears of gratitute perhaps.. haha..
tis year's mooncake festival is much more different from others. as this year i had experience a non-verbal communication with 'stranger'. i realize that it is very lucky enough to have the chance celebrate festival with family. i really appreciate the time begin together with my family.
The previous post, i posted about verbal communication. Therefore, now, i will post about non-verbal communication. YES.. That's right..
Now, what is non-verbal communication? For some people out there would be thinking, how can one communication without talking or what-so-ever.. Now, let me tell you. According to wikipedia, non-verbal communication is usually understood as the process of communication through sending and receiving wordless messages.
Such message can be communicated through body language, eye contact, gestures, facial expression or physical appearance, for instance, hair styles or clothing. Speech may also contain nonverbal elements known as paralanguage such as emotion and the way you speak. For example, for people who are unfortunately cannot talk and speak out, they use sign language to communicate which is also considered as non-verbal communication. However, these people are very sensitive to the surrounding.
Another example would be baby communication. When a baby is at the stage where he is not able to talk and express out what he wants, he will do non-verbal communication too. Have a look at the picture below.
oops.. abit blur.. it's okay. just to let you know there is something like this.
I would like to share an article with you guys here. Found it from Ted, Arlene and Jack are all articulate speakers who say one thing but communicate another with disastrous results in their relationships:
Ted thought he had found the perfect love relationship when he met Sharon, but Sharon isn’t so sure. Ted is very eligible. He is nice-looking, hardworking, and a smooth talker. The trouble is that Ted seems to talk more to himself than to Sharon. When Sharon has something to say, Ted is ready with a reply before she finishes her thought. This makes Sharon feel ignored, and she has begun dating other men. Ted loses out at work for the same reason – his inability to listen to others makes him unpopular with many of the people he most admires.
Arlene is attractive and has no problem meeting eligible men – it’s keeping them that’s the problem! Arlene is funny and a good conversationalist, but even though she laughs and smiles constantly, she radiates tension. Arlene’s shoulders and eyebrows are noticeably raised, her voice is shrill and her body stiff to touch. Being around Arlene makes many people feel uncomfortable. Arlene has a lot going for her that is undercut by the discomfort she evokes in others.
Jack gets along with his colleagues at work, but not with those who matter most to him. If you were to ask them why, they would say that Jack is “too intense”. Rather than look at you, he devours you with his eyes. And if he takes your hand, he lunges to get it and then squeezes so hard it hurts. Jack is a caring guy but has a terrible time being in sync with people. This awkwardness also limits his ability to advance to a managerial level at work. He just isn’t seen as good with others.
ps: All of these articulate, well-intended people struggle in their attempt to connect with others. None of them are aware of the non-verbal messages they communicate.
Week2! 2nd week of our new semester!
We ( Nanda, Su-Queen, Nicholas & I ) who were in the same group for Tutorial A, were assigned by Mr. Murali to prepare an activity on week 1 for our next tutorial (week2's).
Someone, forgotten who was the one who suggested to play the game 'cluedo'.
This game here is related to our topic of the week, PERCEPTION So yea, we were actually having a 'trial' cluedo on wednesday to try out and ensure that all of our group members are clear about the game since we'll be the host on our next tutorial.
4th September (Tutorial A) :
in the theathrette
Cluedo's Board
The rules for Cluedo :
Detective Notes
Dr. Black - found dead on Saturday evening at approximately 8.45pm. The body was found at the foot of the stairs leading to the cellars, on a spot marked "X". Miss Scarlett found the body. Apparently, her screams were heard in the village nearby! Does Miss Scarlett protest too much?
Cause of death has yet to be determined, but there are several likely objects around the house that could have been used:
Dagger - found in the lounge
Candlestick - found in the dining room
Revolver - found in the study
Rope - found in the ballroom
Lead Pining - found in the conservatory
Spanner - found in the kitchen
the cards were all done by su-queen! soO creative!! (:
(Oooppsieee! ive got no pics of the above items, probably it's because im only obsessed with dolphins so yea, who cares bout the other items? hahaa! )
Oh by the way,
Chief suspects have to be the guests who are here for the weekend. They are:
Col. Mustard (Yellow)
Prof. Plum (Purple)
Rev. Green (Green)
Mrs. Peacock (Blue)
Miss Scarlett (Red)
Mrs. White (White)
8">Afro Samurai : Nanda! Ooppss nanda, sorry, no picture of your character ):
Sushi Queen : Su-Queen!
Playboy : Nicholas!
Dolphin Girl : Christine!
Cheerleader : Woei Lin!
Iron Man : Eugene!
Here's the RULES for CLUEDO from one of the sites. (:
The Game
At the beginning of the game, a character, weapon and room card will be placed secretly into the murder's envelope.
To solve the mystery you must find out…
Who committed the crime;
What was the weapon used; and
In which room the crime was committed.
(The three cards in the envelope will reveal the answers.)
You will be dealt with some card. (Don't let the other players see these cards!) You can immediately eliminate these characters, rooms and weapons from your investigation.
During the game, move from room to room to make your enquiries. Once inside a room, make a "suggestion" on your turn by calling a character and a weapon into the room. You can then question your fellow players as, one by one, ask them to reveal if they have a card that matches the room you're in or the character and weapon you've named in your suggestion. Your turn ends when one of these is matched by another player's card.
Keep note of your findings and carry on playing.
By clever deduction, you'll eventually be ready to make an accusation. Will you be first to reveal the answer to the mystery?
The Investigation
Carefully remove the character playing pieces from their plastic frames. If you have difficulty use safety scissors. Fix each character into its corresponding coloured base. Follow the numbers shown in the Detective Notes to match the right base with the right character. [M&M: In previous versions of the game, characters are represented by pieces of the correct colour - you do not have to fit things together.] Place all six playing pieces on their corresponding START spaces around the board. NOTE: Spare playing pieces fall under suspicion just the same as the pieces in play, and can therefore be called into rooms by players making suggestions.
Place the weapons in the rooms where they were found at the beginning of the investigation. See Detective Notes.
Shuffle the six character cards then take the top card and secretly place it in the "Murder Envelope". Do the same with the room cards and weapon cards. You should end up with three random cards in the murder envelope: one character card, one weapon card and one room card.
Shuffle the remaining cards together, making sure none of the cards are seen by any of the players. Deal all the cards to all the players. Some players may receive more cards than others according to the number of players in the game. These players will start the game with a slight advantage.
Each player takes a sheet from the Detective Notebook. You will use this to eliminate characters, weapons and rooms. Keep it covered throughout the game. Don't let the other players see who or what you have eliminated from your enquiries.
Choose the playing piece which is closest to you on the board to be your character. You will move this character around the board.
Each player rolls one die. The highest number goes first [M&M: In previous versions of the game, Miss. Scarlett moves first - as she discovered the body.] Play then continues clockwise.
On your turn - roll both dice and move that number of spaces around the board.
Entering a room
When you enter a room, you can immediately make a suggestion. You do this by calling into the room any character or weapon involved in you deduction.
For example, you enter the conservatory and call in Professor Plum and the spanner. (Place the Professor Plum playing piece and the spanner in the conservatory.) Now make you suggestion - "I suggest it was Professor Plum, in the conservatory, with the spanner".
Hint: A player's piece may remain in the same room for as many turns as it takes to eliminate that room from the investigation.
Answering a suggestion
If the player to your right makes a suggestion, and you have at least one of the cards mentioned, you must show one of these cards secretly to this player.
If you don't have any, the enquiry passes to the next player and so on, until one of the cards has been shown to the player making the suggestion.
At certain times in the game, particularly near the end, it is possible that none of the players will have any of the cards mentioned in the suggestion.
Making your deductions
Before you make a suggestion you must be clear about what information you want to obtain. Are you trying to find the culprit? Do you want to eliminate a room or are you searching to find the murder weapons?
If you search for general clues you may want to mention those characters, rooms and weapons that you don't hold in you hand!
If on the other hand, you are trying to eliminate a specific character, you could include in you suggestion a weapon card and a room card that you hold in your hand. If nobody has the character you name, you can safely assume that this is in the murder envelope and the character in your suggestion is therefore the murderer. If another player shows you the character card, eliminate this character from you investigation by crossing the name from your list of suspects in your Detective Notebook.
The Accusation
Keep moving you playing piece around the board, making suggestions when you enter rooms, until you think you know the answer to the three questions:
Who committed the crime?
What was the weapon used? and
In which room the crime was committed?
Having made a suggestion, you can in the same turn, make an accusation.
To make an accusation, write down the answer to the three questions in your Detective Notebook. You must be sure, as you can only make one accusation in the game.
Once you have written down the answers, look in the envelope to confirm you suspicions.
If you are correct
Reveal the three cards to the other players and declare yourself "Super Slueth".
If you make a wrong accusation
Replace the three cards in the envelope, making sure none of the other players sees the murder cards. You must remain in the game to answer the other players' suggestions. You can't make another suggestion or accusation.
Ooopppsiiieee! sorry for the delayed post! *arrgghh* Anyway, here's a recap on what we did in last 2 week's human comm's class!
First chapter for the week explains that one of the reasons we communicate is to persuade others to view ourselves as we want to be seen.
What is communication?
Communication is defined as a process by which we assign meaning in an attempt to create shared understanding.
It introduced four communication contexts which includes intrapersonal, dyadic, small group and public. The chapter also identifies several types of needs that communication satisfies such as physical, identity, social and practical.
Examples of
a) intrapersonal communication
communicating with one-self. (communicates internally)
b) Dyadic communication (most common type of communication)
Dyadic communication, which is also known as interpersonal communication. It differs from other forms of communication in that there are few participants involved. One of the reasons why we engage in interpersonal communication is so that we can gain knowledge about another individual and also helps us better understand what someone says in a given context.
c) Small Group Communication(common fixture of everyday life which involves 3-5 people)
everyone can participate actively with other members.
d) Public communication
this is when group becomes large for members to contribute.
e) Mass communication ( one to millions ) is a message created by
a person
a group of people
sent through a transmitting device to a large audience or market.
Few days ago, i went to college by public transport. That day i actually late to college since i am having 8 o'clock class. *omg! i still cannot used to it ler.. i have to wake up before sunrise!* Well, back to my topic, during my "journey" in the public transport. there is 2 women quarreling loudly at the bus. At first, i thought it was the sounds come from the televison. Just a second after, their sound is become more and more reality.. so, i have a glance to the television and it shows... *i din't put much attention to the advertisement* some morality advertisement i guess. >.<>> thats the middle part i guess..
A: " kenapa u tolak i??!!"
*as i admit, the 'limited' space in the bus is quite narrow at the this hour.. almost everyone is hugging each other. i might exaggerated abit. JUST a little bit.. ha! when the bus make a turn, sure lar tolak tolak abit mar*
B:" u ni siapa?! awak ingat u ni siapa?!" " kenapa i tolak u?!"
i cant hear what A saying.. oh no! both of them is not Saying. they are screaming loudly..
B:" u diam lar! *bla bla bla lot*
A:"...." *she is quiet dy..*
B:"diam lar u!" and lot more word that very hurt people..
although B the one asking A keep quiet, but B the one keep mumbling mumbling and mumbling.. =.="
their malay just too good. *i cant understand all what they are screaming* their voice is like a machine gun. what i trying to mean is when they speaks, the words come out like the staccato chatter of a machine gun. >.< perhaps, the speed at which their words come out from their mouth would put any M14 to shame. people who standing beside them might just have to cover their face just to prevent the spray of their high speed saliva.
after a while, the bus stop at the stand somewhere near oppossite of wisma help. then A get down from the bus. wad a shock! A is pointing her middle finger to the bus. * i duno who is her actually pointing at* wad flash in my mind is how can a women act so rude.. =.=''
two of them is just a stranger.. how can..?? for me, it sound ridiculous..
thats a example of miscommunication. according to thetreedictionary. miscommunication is define as :
1. Lack of clear or adequate communication. 2. An unclear or inadequate communication.
miscommunication happen when the sender and receiver do not came to the same level of agreement about the indicated reality in existence. To conclude, miscommunication is disharmony.
1. The act or faculty of apprehending by means of the senses or of the mind; cognition; understanding.
2. Immediate or intuitive recognition or appreciation, as of moral, psychological, or aesthetic qualities; insight; intuition; discernment: an artist of rare perception.
3. The result or product of perceiving, as distinguished from the act of perceiving; percept.
Or in plain simple Malaysian English, "You look at the fella and you go yerrrrr why look like that one or aiyooo why dress like that one?!" or something similiar to both of that.
Yes. I think everybody is guilty of percieving others in a purposefully crooked way. Some might even go bitchin' to their girl-friends and buddies about the people they had came across.
Let's say you bump into this guy:
I know there will be 2 things that would definitely cross you mind.
No.1: "OMG! Su-Queen is sooo good at art! I hope she can teach me a thing or two about Paint on Microsoft!" No.2: "Yeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr. So nerd. Haha!"
Well how about this couple?:
"That guy must be freaking loaded,yo."
"That girl is probably a transvestite lah."
What about this couple? :
Not sure what the guys would think but the women would probably have alot to say! Especially aunty's,who would make nasty comments like, " Haiyoooo. That man in his country sure no woman want him so he come here horny horny to get sexy asian girls larh".
See the pattern in the situations? LOPSIDED PERCEPTIONS.
That nerdy-looking boy might just have different interests from the rest of us,like loving Dota so much until he bought a shirt that states so. And his parents might have forced him to put on braces because without it,he might look like a fluffy bunny. And maybe he's wearing glasses because he might've read too many books way too close to his face when he was younger. But who knows,he might be pretty damn good in foosball or he might be like a suave Casanova or something to the ladies ;)
For the 1st couple, that chubby man just might be a gentleman who treats his woman with respect the way all the women in the world should be treated. Or he might've saved her from a very bad life.
For the 2nd couple however,well,the white dude might've met the asian chick while they were both working overseas and it might've been love at first sight. Or he might've been in trouble at one time and she might've stood by him through the rough times and made him realise that she was the only one for him and that he wanted to be with her for the rest of his life?
So many possibilities.
You may never know all these things unless you get to know all of them,without perceiving them negatively first.
So next time,why don't you get to know that girl at college who dresses like a weirdo or that queer boy who likes to talk to himself. You may never know how they might surprise you :)
Basically, I have no idea what we should post about. I've visited some other blogs but still, i have nothing in mind.
Well, perhaps i shall talk something about human communication, no, narrow it down to verbal communication. What is it? Verbal communication is one way for people to communicate face-to-face. Some of the key components of verbal communication are sound, words, speaking, and language. Verbal communications can be categorized into several types which include interpersonal communication, intrapersonal communication, public speaking and more.
At birth, most of us have vocal cords which produce sounds obviously. For example, as a child grows, it learns how to form this sound into words and sentences where these words may be imitative of natural sounds and also from expression of emotions such as laughter or crying.
Verbal communication helps human being to speak out what they think, how they feel and who they are. One of the awesome thing about verbal communication would be it helps to eliminate misunderstandings, AT TIMES. Yet, there are cases where people try to solve misunderstandings through speaking, unfortunately, things become worse.
The picture above shows that people often create misunderstandings ACCIDENTALLY by communicating WRONGLY. Sometimes we do use words that are not appropriate or correct, but i believe we do not mean what the other party thinks, which is usually negative. So, i think we can actually 'blame' the so called 'verbal communication' for bringing such unwanted misunderstandings at times. So people, think before you speak. Whatever you speak might affect the way how people think about you.