We ( Nanda, Su-Queen, Nicholas & I ) who were in the same group for Tutorial A, were assigned by Mr. Murali to prepare an activity on week 1 for our next tutorial (week2's).
Someone, forgotten who was the one who suggested to play the game 'cluedo'.
This game here is related to our topic of the week, PERCEPTION
So yea, we were actually having a 'trial' cluedo on wednesday to try out and ensure that all of our group members are clear about the game since we'll be the host on our next tutorial.
4th September (Tutorial A) :

The rules for Cluedo :
Detective Notes
Dr. Black - found dead on Saturday evening at approximately 8.45pm. The body was found at the foot of the stairs leading to the cellars, on a spot marked "X". Miss Scarlett found the body. Apparently, her screams were heard in the village nearby! Does Miss Scarlett protest too much?
Cause of death has yet to be determined, but there are several likely objects around the house that could have been used:
- Dagger - found in the lounge
- Candlestick - found in the dining room
- Revolver - found in the study
- Rope - found in the ballroom
- Lead Pining - found in the conservatory
- Spanner - found in the kitchen
Oh by the way,
- Chief suspects have to be the guests who are here for the weekend. They are:
- Col. Mustard (Yellow)
- Prof. Plum (Purple)
- Rev. Green (Green)
- Mrs. Peacock (Blue)
- Miss Scarlett (Red)
- Mrs. White (White)
8">Afro Samurai : Nanda!
Ooppss nanda, sorry, no picture of your character ):
Sushi Queen : Su-Queen!
Playboy : Nicholas!
Dolphin Girl : Christine!
Cheerleader : Woei Lin!
Iron Man : Eugene!
Here's the RULES for CLUEDO from one of the sites. (:
The Game
At the beginning of the game, a character, weapon and room card will be placed secretly into the murder's envelope.
To solve the mystery you must find out…
Who committed the crime;
What was the weapon used; and
In which room the crime was committed.
(The three cards in the envelope will reveal the answers.)
You will be dealt with some card. (Don't let the other players see these cards!) You can immediately eliminate these characters, rooms and weapons from your investigation.
During the game, move from room to room to make your enquiries. Once inside a room, make a "suggestion" on your turn by calling a character and a weapon into the room. You can then question your fellow players as, one by one, ask them to reveal if they have a card that matches the room you're in or the character and weapon you've named in your suggestion. Your turn ends when one of these is matched by another player's card.
Keep note of your findings and carry on playing.
By clever deduction, you'll eventually be ready to make an accusation. Will you be first to reveal the answer to the mystery?
The Investigation
- Carefully remove the character playing pieces from their plastic frames. If you have difficulty use safety scissors. Fix each character into its corresponding coloured base. Follow the numbers shown in the Detective Notes to match the right base with the right character. [M&M: In previous versions of the game, characters are represented by pieces of the correct colour - you do not have to fit things together.] Place all six playing pieces on their corresponding START spaces around the board. NOTE: Spare playing pieces fall under suspicion just the same as the pieces in play, and can therefore be called into rooms by players making suggestions.
Place the weapons in the rooms where they were found at the beginning of the investigation. See Detective Notes.
- Shuffle the six character cards then take the top card and secretly place it in the "Murder Envelope". Do the same with the room cards and weapon cards. You should end up with three random cards in the murder envelope: one character card, one weapon card and one room card.
- Shuffle the remaining cards together, making sure none of the cards are seen by any of the players. Deal all the cards to all the players. Some players may receive more cards than others according to the number of players in the game. These players will start the game with a slight advantage.
- Each player takes a sheet from the Detective Notebook. You will use this to eliminate characters, weapons and rooms. Keep it covered throughout the game. Don't let the other players see who or what you have eliminated from your enquiries.
- Choose the playing piece which is closest to you on the board to be your character. You will move this character around the board.
- Each player rolls one die. The highest number goes first [M&M: In previous versions of the game, Miss. Scarlett moves first - as she discovered the body.] Play then continues clockwise.
- On your turn - roll both dice and move that number of spaces around the board.
When you enter a room, you can immediately make a suggestion. You do this by calling into the room any character or weapon involved in you deduction.
For example, you enter the conservatory and call in Professor Plum and the spanner. (Place the Professor Plum playing piece and the spanner in the conservatory.) Now make you suggestion - "I suggest it was Professor Plum, in the conservatory, with the spanner".
Hint: A player's piece may remain in the same room for as many turns as it takes to eliminate that room from the investigation.
Answering a suggestion
If the player to your right makes a suggestion, and you have at least one of the cards mentioned, you must show one of these cards secretly to this player.
If you don't have any, the enquiry passes to the next player and so on, until one of the cards has been shown to the player making the suggestion.
At certain times in the game, particularly near the end, it is possible that none of the players will have any of the cards mentioned in the suggestion.
Making your deductions
Before you make a suggestion you must be clear about what information you want to obtain. Are you trying to find the culprit? Do you want to eliminate a room or are you searching to find the murder weapons?
If you search for general clues you may want to mention those characters, rooms and weapons that you don't hold in you hand!
If on the other hand, you are trying to eliminate a specific character, you could include in you suggestion a weapon card and a room card that you hold in your hand. If nobody has the character you name, you can safely assume that this is in the murder envelope and the character in your suggestion is therefore the murderer. If another player shows you the character card, eliminate this character from you investigation by crossing the name from your list of suspects in your Detective Notebook.
The Accusation
Keep moving you playing piece around the board, making suggestions when you enter rooms, until you think you know the answer to the three questions:
Who committed the crime?
What was the weapon used? and
In which room the crime was committed?
Having made a suggestion, you can in the same turn, make an accusation.
To make an accusation, write down the answer to the three questions in your Detective Notebook. You must be sure, as you can only make one accusation in the game.
Once you have written down the answers, look in the envelope to confirm you suspicions.
If you are correct
Reveal the three cards to the other players and declare yourself "Super Slueth".
If you make a wrong accusation
Replace the three cards in the envelope, making sure none of the other players sees the murder cards. You must remain in the game to answer the other players' suggestions. You can't make another suggestion or accusation.
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