Sunday, September 28, 2008

Intimacy and distance in relationships

Intimacy in a relationship is very important as it brings closeness to both parties. It is a process, not a thing. It takes place over time and is not stagnant. There are few types of intamcy. One of them is intellectual intamcy where two people exchange thoughts, share ideas and enjoy similarities and differences between their opinions. If both parties are able to do so and feel comfortable about it, then they can become quite intimate in an intellectual area.

Another form of intimacy is experiential intimacy. Examples of this would be where people get together to actively involve themselves with each other, probably saying very little to each other, not sharing any thoughts or many feelings, but being involved in mutual activities with one another.

Next would be emotional intimacy. This is when two parties can comfortably share their emotions and feelings together without keeping. They also try to approach, understand and be aware of the other party's emotional side.

If intimacy is the cornerstone of a healthy relationship, understanding its nature is important:
A partner must take the risk of disclosing emotions with significant others.
A partner must be willing to be honest and upfront in communicating, even at the risk of hurting others.
An individual must listen and be non-judgmental in communication.
A mate must value and cherish those he loves.
The issue of intimacy is comprehensive to all significant relationships.
The impact of intimacy is much broader in scope than sexuality.
It's the little things that count — remembering birthdays, anniversaries, surprising a partner with gifts, and validating your partner.
Demonstrating non-sexual affection, such as holding hands, hugging, messaging, and kissing constitute intimacy.
Cultivating intimacy is important when couples are having difficulty with their sexual experience.
Conflict resolution is an important aspect of intimacy.
Being spiritually and psychologically committed to one's mate constitutes intimacy.
Trust and respect are cornerstones of intimacy.
Accepting one's mate with all of his flaws is a quality of intimacy.
Navigating difficult life events in a relationship is a characteristic of intimacy.
Establishing a romantic environment and making one's sexual encounters mutually meaningful constitutes intimacy.

Up next is distance in relationships.

When a relationship is undergoing changes and the distance between both parties is getting far apart, it is time where both parites have to reconsider and do something about it in order to maintain the relationship. Frequent argument and ignorance between both parties will bring negative impact on their relationship. As mentioned earlier, truth and honest are the most important thing in a firm relationship. Without these, both parties will not gain any trust from each other and therefore, end up suspecting each other.

You would not want to end up like this in your relationship.

-Michelle Tan-

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