While goofing around in the DSA, waiting for Nanda to finish class, 18 year old Alric John Boudville decided to show me his apparent artistic skills.
He drew what he percieved me to be.
Feast your eyes people!

Yeap. The red head is suppose to be me. And the buff guy with weird man-boobs and no legs next to me would be Alric.
Please. Someone. Be charitable. Send Alric to some hella good art lessons. He needs a miracle. If he actually drew this in a cave in the year 100BC,the cavemen would laugh at his face and rip off his bearskin underpants while taunting him,saying " CaveMan Alric draw like cavebaby! Now we burn his bearskin underpants! Muahahahaha! (for drawing was a serious matter in the year 100BC) ".
And Alric would runaway sobbing to his CaveMummy saying "CaveMamaaaaaa! They took my bearskin underpants!"
And his CaveMummy would comfort him with hugs & kisses. Until CaveMan Alric led her to his drawing......
Then she ripped off his bearskin underpants and burned it too.
So the Moral of the story is...
Your mind does not percieve what others percieve.
Alric get art lessons. Hee :D
1 comment:
^^wow! Nice draw o~
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