Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Let's talk about perception. What does it mean? According to Wikipedia, the very useful site, perception is defined as the process of attaining awareness or understanding of sensory information. In other word, it also carries the meaning of THE POINT OF VIEW. =)

We will come across this phenomena anytime at anywhere, especially when you are required to give opinions about a particular thing. Then, different people will have different perceptions. For instance, Eli, a girl, is short. Some people will think that she is SHORT, not a girl's perfect height, not perfect. But, for some other people, they might think that Eli is cute. short = cute. So, this proves that different people have different point of view.

Next, a very common example. A box.

What do you see in this picture? What appears in your mind at the first second you saw this cube? Some people might see it as a box, just a box. But some people might take it as a square with 6 surfaces. They interpret it in different ways.

-Michelle Tan-

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