Thousand apologies Mr. Murali!
But I'm just gonna write about it anyway...
So from Mr.M's awesomely thought lesson, I learnt that non-verbal communication brings us to the term " Actions speak louder than words. "
And also,non-verbal communication is closely related to body language.
Lets look at a typical example:
Lets say there was this boy. Who came to class in an aloof, hands in pocket, I'm-way-too-cool-for-school manner. Clad in skinny black jeans, grey statement T-shirt that says " F*** OFF F*****!!", with a pack of 14's Dunhill Reds in his right hand, he saunters his way to the back of the class and picks a seat alone. Only to be told by Mr.M to "SIT IN THE FRONT!". And he does so in the same,aloof manner. Smirking even more so. Then he drops his bag,sits down,slouches like his Mummy painstakingly brought him into this world without a backbone, and plugs on his iPod.
How would you intepret his whole act?
1. Appearance: His whole outfit implies that he is a Sexy Rocker Bad Boy. rawwwwrrrr ;) Or that he likes to dress in a certain way that expresses his personality;that he's here to make a statement.
2. Closeness: Since he went way to the back of the class to sit alone, it makes him seem as if he's not interested in making any new friends. Or that he doesn't give two tuts about his classmates. Introverted maybe?
3. Facial expressions: He smirked when asked to sit in front. Shows that he is quite sarcastic and reluctant to follow orders. Smart-aleck more like.
4. Posture: The slouching states that he's only coming for classes because he has to and that he just can't be bothered.
The conclusion? Bad boys are so sexy!
Hah! Joke lah.
Another case maybe?
You see a pretty hot chick walking confidently down the hallway. Okay maybe not just walking. Bloody catwalking lah. Sashay sashay. Swing swing hips. She's got a great sense of fashion,I must say. Sky-high Aldo heels, drainpipe jeans, Channel baguette bag, red plunging lace top and a vintage biker jacket over her skinny toned arms...straight off the pages of VOGUE Magazine. She's on her iPhone, yapping loud and proud bimboticly with a rich American slang. Then she sees a friend;the Sexy Bad Boy from earlier. She flips off her phone, tosses her hair and goes over to give him a kiss on the lips and embraced him in a hug. Then she walks off with Sexy Bad Boy...her right hand in his jean's back pocket.
1. Posture: Her confident stride says that she has got quite a high self-esteem.
2. Appearance: Obviously into fashion and looking good. High-maintenance definitely and probably has the money to keep it up too.
3. Ways of talking: Loud,bimbotic,rich American slang. I'm thinking...brought up in an open-minded English-educated family. Or she watches too much American drama TV.
4. Closeness and body contact: She probably knows Sexy Bad Boy very well. Dating,very likely. And very intimate so I guess she's pretty open in affection.
IN CONCLUSION....Damn am I good at Microsoft Paint or what? Hellyeaaaaa :D
And who needs a psychic when you can read body language!
Psychic = CONSTIPATED BULLSHIT ! Amen. All hail non-verbal communication!

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